Template-info Documentation

The {{coords/Icon|type}} template returns the image to be used as a marker for {{coords}}. The following table contains the list of available icons.

default Blip
black x Icon-xcross-black v Icon-check-black o Icon-dot-black . Icon-dot-black
red xr Icon-xcross-red vr Icon-check-red or Icon-dot-red .r Icon-dot-red
green xg Icon-xcross-green vg Icon-check-green og Icon-dot-green .g Icon-dot-green
blue xb Icon-xcross-blue vb Icon-check-blue ob Icon-dot-blue .b Icon-dot-blue
yellow xy Icon-xcross-yellow vy Icon-check-yellow oy Icon-dot-yellow .y Icon-dot-yellow
white xw Icon-xcross-white vw Icon-check-white ow Icon-dot-white .w Icon-dot-white