Coin Lock: What is it? | Version: Rift 1.01 - Update: Hotfix 10 25th March

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Rift: Planes of Telara News (Rift news you can edit!)

Rift 1.4 Hotfix 8
Check the Update: Rift 1.4 Hotfix 8 page for information on today's patch!


Rift 1.4 Hotfix 7
Check the Update: Rift 1.4 Hotfix 7 page for information on today's patch!


New Warfront on PTS
The new Library of the Runemasters warfront is coming to the PTS today. Details can be found here.


Update: Rift 1.4
The Rift 1.4 patch was released today. Patch notes can be found at Update: Rift 1.4!


Rift 1.3 Hotfix 16
Check the Update: Rift 1.3 Hotfix 16 page for information on today's patch!


RIFT 1.4: Legacy of the Fallen
Read about all the changes in RIFT 1.4, including the epic Water Saga, the race for Dragon Motes, a new mission in Whitefall Steppes, PvP Rifts, cross-shard LFG, and more! ref


Andy, nice work. Can you calfiry something for me? What are the actual pieces that are integrated here? Is it the common look and feel across the two apps? Or is it also the account systems? More? Cheers, Scott Leslie News feeds from the largest Rift: Planes of Telara sites are here.


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